Friday, March 27, 2015

Possible Cause of Death of Electrocuted 23 year old Woman Revealed

Recently, we gave you the news of a young Chinese woman, 23 years old, who was electrocuted do death while receiving a call on her iPhone.

latest news reaching us suggests that she was electrocuted because she used a fake iPhone charger. Also, the report also said that she wasnt shocked to death when using her iPhone 5 but rather an iPhone 4 which has a stainless steel design.

According to information from South China Morning Post:
“According to Xiang Ligang, a telecommunications expert interviewed by CCTV, the charger Ma had been using may have been a “knockoff” – a fake.
“Knockoff chargers sometimes cut corners,” Xiang said. “The quality of the capacitor and circuit protector may not be good, and this may lead to the capacitor breaking down and sending 220 volts of electricity directly into the cell phone battery.”
It was further said that the woman had an iPhone 5 as well as an iPhone 4. The tragedy in question happened while she was using her iPhone 4 to receive a call while it was charging. It will be of note that iPhone 4 has a stainless steel design which can of course conduct electricity thereby inducing a fatal electric shock.

Also, Xiang Ligang said, normally, the electric current from an overloaded charger would overheat the phone’s casing, damaging the circuits inside and rendering the device unusable. In the case of Ma’s iPhone 4, however, authorities said the phone could still be started normally despite severe traces of burning on its exterior. The phone’s data cable, charger, and plug were all intact.”
However, these are all speculative deductions and not conclusive. Apple and Police officials are of course conducting their own investigations into this matter.

Whatever, users should be more careful these days to try at least disconnecting phone from  mains before answering calls.

Stay tuned as we give you conclusive information on what really happened after investigations may have been completed and declared.