Monday, August 27, 2018

Teaching Theory with Chord Charts

Teaching Theory with Chord Charts

Note Names on Each String

Piano players have a huge advantage in life... they know which keys they are pressing for a specific chord. This is not the case for most instruments. When I ask my students to play a G major chord, they can easily read chord charts now, but they have no idea which notes make up that chord. This is because typical chord charts do not have the note names on top of each string. 

This is why I created the 120-page Ukulele Chord Reference Book

I always imagined that if my students knew the names of the notes in that chord, they could analyze the chords, compare them to very similar chords, and communicate with each other and even build alternative chords that felt more comfortable for their hand.

Improving Hand Positioning with Numbers

When I first started teaching ukulele I had no idea what kinds of mistakes students would make. In the beginning I was always reacting to the mistakes my students were making by fixing the mistake after it happened rather than PREVENTING MISTAKES!

Now I am going to play a little bit of offense (as my dad, the basketball lover, would say). I made chord charts that had the finger position for my students to know exactly which finger goes where.

Now I will easily communicate with students on how to fix their hand position. "Fix finger #1, please!"

I love independent student learning, so I added information pages in the beginning of the book so that students would be able to figure things out on their own. I also added these because I thought my followers on Teachers Pay Teachers could use this instructional page when presenting the chord charts to their students for the first time.

About this resource

If you think your students could benefit from this resource, check it out here: 120-page Ukulele Chord Reference Book

I also added chord charts without the finger placements, just in case you teach things a different way.

What you get:

Heres a page from the book, which tells you whats inside. You can also see a preview here: 120-page Ukulele Chord Reference Book

Common Beginner Mistakes

Since we were talking about beginner mistakes on the ukulele, I wanted to share this 3-minute YouTube video about common beginner mistakes.

I will be making an updated version because I have learned SO MUCH MORE in the past year. 

Thank you! <3 b="" p="">

visit link download