Friday, April 3, 2015

Teardown The Galaxy Alpha is a mess inside – Apparata

Posted on 05-10-2014 at 12:21 by Lars – 2 Comments »

 Galaxy Alpha-teardown
Under the sleek appearance of the new Samsung Galaxy Alpha is a bit messy inner hidden.

The website iFixit is known for carefully dissecting the most popular phones, to see how easy they are to fix. Recently, the Galaxy Alpha’s turn, a new smartphone from Samsung as it profiles. As iPhone competitor So although it may seem the look on an Apple product, the inside is mostly a smaller replica of the Galaxy S5, and that does not address very well.

Water and dust problems
The Alpha is carefully closed in many areas, but in reality does not mean that he is very resistant to water and dust. There is even a rubber coating on the back present to keep out unwanted material.

If you want to repair your phone, you walk with the Galaxy Alpha quickly into trouble. Because you will always have to remove if you want to spend. Repairs to the glued screen This will be for many owners are not important, but for the do-it-yourselfer, this is an extra obstacle. Ultimately, namely only the back and battery easily removed and replaced.

Galaxy Alpha-screen

Buttons and the home button (which relatively quickly for replacement) therefore are enormously difficult to replace. Overall, the Galaxy Alpha Galaxy S5 seems to imitate, but are taking all the advantages omitted. The ‘repair ability’ that iFixit to the Samsung Galaxy Alpha measures is therefore a disappointing 5/10. More information about the Galaxy Alpha can be read here.
