Tuesday, July 31, 2018

SKYPE Author Visits Fun Way to Educate!

SKYPE Author Visits Fun Way to Educate!

The SKYPE End is Near

Yes, it�s true
the school year is winding to a close. All those rambunctious kids off to frolic over summer,  and give teachers a chance to recoup, catch their breath, and gird their loins (love this expression) for  the beginning of fall classes.

So far this year I have had the pleasure of making SKYPE Author Visits to classrooms all over the US and overseas. And I also chatted with teachers about the fun and educational opportunities a SKYPE visit from a real life author can bring to their English classes.  I even have pictures from some wonderful teachers, and rafts of oh-so-cool thank you notes from many students. Skyping all over the place has kept me busy, on my toes, and breath held, due to the outrageous questions some kids ask.

Nothing is too personal. YIKES!

So, I am spending my summer vegging out in the garden, smelling the flowers, watching birds drink from our fountain, and catching up on my reading.  What about YOU? 

If you�d like to chat about a Sky[e Author Visit to your classroom in fall, or a Q and A with your teacher staff about the ins-and-outs of a Skype Visit, email me: mfinke@frontier.com

 Do check out my PINTEREST Boards:
  Teacher/Classroom Fun and Help--Down Under Learning  Education-Older Grades: http://www.pinterest.com/margotfinke/

I love converting teachers to the SKYPE way of
making education FUN!


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