Saturday, May 9, 2015
Rumor iWatch Facing Some Challenges in Manufacturing

Seemingly the wearable device from Apple "iWatch" that was expected to release in 2014 it will be delayed, that for technical issues outside of the will.
The report from Digitimes claims that one of those issues involves surface finish treatments for the body of the device, with both Apples iWatch and Qualcomms Toq "Android smart watch" searching for ways to improve the look of chassis parts made using metal injection molding (MIM) methods.
Several wearable devices such as Apples iWatch and Qualcomms Toq are reportedly seeing less than 50% yield rates due to difficulties applying surface treatments on their metal injection molded (MIM) chassis, according to sources from the upstream supply chain.
MIM-made components used to be used inside products, but as the components are now becoming part of the external design, surface treatments have become an important process for the look of products.
Since clients have high demand over quality, and also need high volumes of supply, most component makers are having difficulties satisfying both of requirements.In addition to Apple and Qualcomm, Sony, Samsung Electronics, Pebble, Casio, Nike, Adidas, Epson, and LG are also preparing to launch new wearable devices in 2014.
Image source: TC